We place the highest value on the sacred liturgy, which is the exercise of the priestly function of Jesus Christ, the summit of all the Church’s activity and the source of Christian life. Individually and in common, we devote serious effort to nourish our spiritual life with the liturgy and to open its treasure to the faithful. For that reason, we cherish the mystery of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.



Essential to all of our devotions is the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, daily if possible. (BSC General Constitutions No. 19)

We participate in the Eucharistic sacrifice as fully, actively and consciously as we can since we are celebrating the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ until He comes. We keep nothing of ourselves for ourselves in this offering so that he may receive us totally, who gave Himself totally to us. (BSC General Directory No. 25)



In the common prayer of the community, we are open to the expression of the Holy Spirit as found in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. In this freedom to move in the Holy Spirit, let reason and reverence be safeguarded through grace and discernment. (BSC General Constitutions No. 21)


The Divine Office

In the Liturgy of the Hours, we speak to God with His own words taken from the Scriptures, and in His Word, God Himself meets us and speaks to us. So that the Word of God celebrated in the Office may penetrate our hearts more deeply, and share our life and activity more effectively, it is spoken or sung, and heard with reverence … for this reason, we pray the Psalms slowly and mindfully. (BSC General Directory No. 24)